I was reading in the book of Ezekiel this week where God refused to allow the elders of Israel to inquire of Him due to their “detestable practices”.  For some reason that really hit me hard. Maybe because I have so desperately needed to inquire of the Lord recently and the idea of not being allowed to just seemed overwhelming to me.


         So I ask God about that – what about me Lord - do I have things that look “detestable”?


         Israel decided over and over to worship how they pleased, accepting the ways and values of the surrounding countries and cultures. This “blended” form of worship was displeasing to the Lord who did not want His people to follow the rest of the world. Rather they were to stand as a shining witness to the earth and bring glory to His name.


         And the single word came to me … Christmas.


         It happens every year this “Crisis of Christmas”. The busy rush of extra – shopping, wrapping, cooking, and attending holiday everythings!!!


         In the midst of the crazy pace, I squeeze in my reading of Luke, my thanksgiving for the birth of Jesus, some warm peaceful moments because God gave His Son for me.  But those are all mixed in with the culture of the world’s Christmas.


         Wasn’t that what God was so upset with Israel about?


God said to Israel - ‘You say, “We want to be like thenations, like the peoples of the world, who serve wood and stone.” (Ezekiel 20:32).


Is that what I’ve done to Christmas Lord? I want to celebrate it like everyone else?  


         Dearly beloved – our season approaches.

         Let’s not let Christmas turn to Xmas … idolatry … a cultural pull to the shiny and frenzied rush …


         For unto us a child is born …  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests …







Labeled as “An Allegory of Unfaithful Jerusalem”, the 16th chapter of Ezekiel gives us a reason to stop and examine how we handle our covenant relationship with God. The story is graphic, describing a wife who was cherished and adored descending into prostitution and lewd acts. She leaves behind the husband who provided tender care, luxurious garments and jewels, and had made her into a perfect beauty.


Who is this queen who turns her back on her husband and flaunts her beauty in multiple adulterous relationships? Who is this husband who nurtured her and delivered her from a life of misery only to be left behind as she used the very gifts he gave to further herself in worldly pursuits?


Why should we care about an Old Testament chapter of an obscure allegory?


The Word of God is eternal and alive - breathing His presence into our lives. This allegory of an unfaithful Jerusalem whispers today to God’s people who are loved and cared for and yet …


         Find no time to study His word

         Pursue distractions instead of pursuing Him

         Stay silent when we should speak

         Talk when we should silently pray

         Lift our voices to Him and not our hearts

         Go to church but don’t enter God’s presence


         The list is endless … and the time will come as described in Ezekiel where God stretches out His hand against those who commit adultery against Him.


A covenant relationship should not be entered into lightly … particularly not with our Lord. He has rescued us and spread His garment over us … we are His beloved.

We are dressed in fine linen, our food is the finest, and we are adorned with gold and silver. 


Yes even today as I sit in an old T-shirt and faded exercise pants … I know my true identity and how I look to the Lord. I’m praying that I never forget that this is about a relationship … close … tender … faithful.


As the new day dawns … the Lord goes forth to see His bride …

May He find her not in the high places of idolatry or the depths of disgrace but rather on the mountain seeking His presence.


The fruit of the Spirit is … faithfulness.


From the first moment we enter the world … we need comfort.

The trauma of birth

Its cold out here

The lights are too bright

Shouldn’t I be sucking on something?


That need for comfort rises and ebbs as we live our days on this earth. Some day in our future when we pass from earth to heaven that need will end because we will be in God’s perfect presence and design. But for now … the need for comfort remains.


Over my lifetime I have experienced many moments and sometimes long periods of time where I longed for comfort from life’s sufferings.


         I have cut my hand and needed stitches. Comfort came pretty quickly and the experience had no real impact on my life.


         But what about the times like this:

“We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.” (2 Corinthians 1:8)


         The diagnosis that encases us with fear …

         The beloved family member who dies …

         The crushing blow when a lifetime dream disappears …

         The relationship that fails …

         The depression closing in on every side …


“… far beyond our ability to endure …”


Comfort is defined as:

         Soothing in time of grief or fear

         Easing physical needs

         Helping or assisting

         It is the capacity to give physical ease and well-being

                  **Note: It doesn’t necessarily mean fixing or making the hardship disappear.


This life-giving and peace-enhancing commodity called comfort isn’t found in a store or hospital or even with a best friend.


It is given by: “the God of all comfort” –


“… who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:4)


Did I hear that right? God comforts us in ALL our troubles.

For a purpose beyond ourselves … so that WE can comfort those in ANY trouble with the same comfort God gave us.


So what is your need for comfort today?

Is it physical … emotional … financial?

Is the loss so big it seems like there is no good tomorrow coming … ever?

Are you “despairing even of life”?


“… But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God.” (2 Corinthians 1:9)


The answer for comfort is as close as your next breath … may the God of all comfort be with you today. Pass it on!!

LETTER TO GOD … from a Senior Saint

Dear God,

It’s me. You know my name but it seems most of the world addresses me by age.


These really are some of the best days of my life.  Thank you.


I finally understand a few things … I got to see my kids grow up … I have grandchildren and grand dogs and grand times. I really appreciate the fall colors, lunch with a friend, and the silver in my hair (I put a splash of purple in – what do You think?).


It is mostly what I imagined - this delectable slice of life where we slide in to home base. I talk to You more now … I read what You say about eternal life, heaven, dying to the earth to plant that final seed of life. 


It seems I’m ready for the entrance to heaven (thank You)… but how do I live the time between here and there? You see … those of us who are “seniors” seem a little bit invisible to the rest of the world sometimes.


We are called “honey” and “dear” but don’t seem integrated into life as much – especially after we no longer have “jobs”. It seems sometimes that seniors are put in a box on a shelf and brought out at holidays and special occasions and special needs.



I wish I could explain that I’m still the same me. Wrinkles and gray hair are just exterior stuff. When I hear music, I want to dance. When I see sadness, I want to comfort. When springtime comes, I’d like to run (but I walk faster instead). I watch movies and TV commercials with tears and laughter.  When I see my hubby, my heart still skips a beat. My emotions … thoughts … all still work really well (thank You).


Well I just wanted to talk this out with You. Thanks for always being there for me. I pray today for “senior” saints everywhere to know Your love, to be remembered by others and given an opportunity to share their lives until You call us home.



Here WE are Lord … send US!!


With love



The Word: Mark – chapter 1


The book of Mark is a simple direct gospel with emphasis on Jesus’ actions. Mark is the shortest of the gospels vividly showing the teachings, healings and ministry of Christ. It is a good place to stop if one is searching for clarity.


Life gets busy, messy and complicated … we need a source for focusing our lives when they take a scary turn or seem hopelessly ensnared with sin and culture. How many people who give up in despair might be salvaged and renewed if they sat down and read the book of Mark? Especially if they had a friend to walk through with them … the result of their lives could be much different.


There is no failure rate when following Jesus.


So let’s look …


1.   The first thing I noticed was that God had prepared for the life of Jesus. The Savior didn’t come upon the earth to “wing it”. We too have been prepared before our birth – Psalm 139: 13-14


2.   Contrary to what the world would tell us – there are right paths to walk in our lives.

 Jesus was baptized – although without sin – He showed by His actions the need for repentance and public declaration of walking with God.


Jesus was isolated and battled the temptations of the enemy. Jesus won.


*Psalm 23:3 – “He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake”


3.   Jesus had a message, a ministry and friends. Although His message and ministry were perfect … His friends were not.


We too have a message about the kingdom of heaven – “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.” We need to be prepared to tell that good news wherever God places us.


We too have a ministry … don’t pass through another day without asking God to show you what your ministry is. Jesus never left His ministry for one moment once He began … He persevered through life and death.


Jesus gathered friends even though He knew they were imperfect and would let Him down at the most crucial time of His life. As a loner, I struggle with this one but I’ve decided to walk in the path of Jesus – forgiving everyone of everything - remembering I stand in stark need of forgiveness everyday myself.

         Jesus was perfect … I’m a work in progress.


4.   Jesus prayed early, often and alone.


If the Savior – the Son of God needed quiet time … I’m pretty sure it’s essential to me.



5. Jesus believed in and fulfilled the Old Testament … let’s welcome the Word by reading and believing the whole Scripture. It will give us the knowledge and feel of God’s holiness, show us God’s character and trace the path of God’s heart.



And that is just the first chapter from the view of a person of limited understanding … imagine when you and God’s Holy Spirit sit down together and read the book of Mark.

May God Himself be your Teacher.






         Mark 11:25 – “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”


The world loves to paint with a gray brush. Particularly in America today, the gray brush broadly splashes over a multitude of basic areas. We are more comfortable with gray paint over our lives … the lines blur … my sin is shrouded.


Everything actually falls into two camps.

         Luke 11:23 – “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me, scatters.”


Ahhh I can feel myself straightening up in my chair – ready to paint in black and white … but wait … my Father is taking my paintbrush just as I was ready to make a masterpiece of clear lines on others.


         Oh no – the black brush … I run to the mirror and there I stand completely covered in black. How can I ever go out now and make clear lines on others? My mind tells me that gray is not the color for the world but Jesus tells me I am not to paint.


John 5:22 & 23 – “Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son, that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father; who sent Him.”


“Entrusted all judgment to the Son”. I sit still before the Lord and think of all the things He could have judged me for, but in His mercy has forgiven me. The list is long but suddenly it vanishes from my thoughts for in His great love – Jesus has had mercy on my soul. He held Himself completely to the cross when He could have gotten down ... just so that I - and all others who believe in Him - could have a way home to heaven.


I look around and the paintbrushes are gone but nearby where I have cried over my sins the mirror seems to beckon me forth again. I am afraid to see the ugly black covering me but I go and slowly open my eyes. My breath catches - I have been transformed to a glistening figure in a radiant white robe. Tears stream down my face as I realize the covering of Jesus – no paint colors over the top of things but rather a new creation from the inside out. I exhale slowly.


He intends this radiance for all …  for God never wanted anyone to perish but all to come to the knowledge of the truth. So then when I stand praying I need to let go of anything I have against anyone because that is what He said.  


No gray paintbrushes for God’s kids.  No black ones either.

From my journal pages …

I don’t normally share my journal with anyone … ever.

My husband has strict instructions to destroy my journals when I die – without reading them.

Do I sound like a control freak?

What will I do if he doesn’t follow my wishes?

         Point taken.


It isn’t that I have anything so spectacular there, but I use my journals to vent about life and relationships and you know … stuff!


So my fear is if anyone read my journals – they wouldn’t get a true picture of my life. Depending which part they read –my family could come away thinking I was an angry, raving nut (no comments please).


However, I came across this section and thought maybe it might be meaningful to someone. You see – I really wanted to hear God speak and so I promised Him 30 minutes of just listening.  Now I have edited out some personal parts but I think you will get the gist.


As background quite frankly I’ve had a rough year and was again trying to figure out how to “fix” my life.


The message from my Master:


         Open your eyes and look around. Have I not provided you with a pleasant land? Why do you look away from Me after all these years of My faithfulness? Have you not read of my feelings and My heart?


         Is it necessary that I put a bit in your mouth and guide you with a whip? For you know My character and My response of love and faithfulness to obedience.


         Just as you would discipline a wayward child, so I discipline My children. As you see the path of disobedience becomes a habit for a child – so also for the adult who is My child.

         Make your habits obedience, trust and love – let those be the path of your life.


         You care so much about what people think of you – their opinions are not the ones that count … but Mine is.  Live to please Me … seek Me … everything else will fall into place.


         Keep praying and confessing … I will heal you … receive it.


“Come now let us reason together,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are scarlet they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson; they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land, but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. (Isaiah 1: 18-20)


Remember that one lamb is important to Me.


I like that the Lord spoke to me using His Word.

I like that on a day when I was the lamb who was wandering, the Shepherd came to find me.


I hope this helps someone today.


I highly recommend a quiet 30 minutes to listen for God’s voice.


Scripture reference:  LAMENTATIONS 3:22 and 23

         “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”


Yesterday I cried …

A surprising hurt sliced into my day … unexpected … handled poorly by me … knocking out some pillars that had held me in place …


We’ve all had those hurts… although they arrive in different forms.


When these hurts come – they can knock us to our knees – hopefully before our Lord. As Christians we not only have joy but we have grief, just as everyone else in the world. The Lord in His wisdom did not raise up a people for Himself who live in a bubble where no pain touches, or a people with an “easy” button, or endless blessing that distinguishes us. Rather our Lord provides for us at every storm a way to continue walking, to look up, to see Him.


NUMBERS 21: 4 – 8: An impatient, grumbling nation of Israel spoke against God in the desert and poisonous snakes were sent among them. As they repented, Moses prayed for the people. But rather than the Lord wiping out the snakes, He instructed Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on a pole where the people could look up if they were bitten and live.


         A vague foreshadowing of things to come?


         It isn’t a perfect life that marks a Christian.

         It isn’t a trouble-free existence that marks a Christian.

                  It is the “looking up” that marks a Christian.


LAMENTATIONS tells us that because of the Lord’s great love … we are not consumed.

         Not when an illness strikes

         Not when family disappoints

         Not when we totally blow the situation

         Not when a friend deserts us

         Not when death faces us



Yesterday I cried … but this is a new morning of the Lord’s great faithfulness.





JOHN 4:13 -14

         Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I given him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Jesus was tired, he was in a place where he didn’t fit in, he was thirsty … and yet He ministered to a woman whose life was in a quagmire of continuing sin. The woman was knowledgeable of religious boundaries and ideology and yet she didn’t know her encounter at the well was about to lead her to heaven.


Have things really changed so much? On this earth it is all about being able to pause and connect … or as a friend used to say “Witnessing is all about one beggar leading another beggar to bread.”


Jesus is hardly a beggar, but He led the way in humility and acceptance of people so that … everyone – everywhere … might hear the good news.

                  We sometimes get caught up in the results of “giving a testimony” but what a person does with the Bread of Life is between them and God. It isn’t our role to convince or make the message acceptable for a better shot at a conversion.

                  We give out a piece of Bread … a drink of Living Water.

                  People who are hungry and thirsty spiritually don’t need the rules of eating and drinking explained, or table manners presented … they need a drink of Water … a piece of Bread.

                  Jesus did not present a teaching watered down to the culture of the moment but rather in truth and spirit, He gave a drink to a thirsty soul.


In His life here, our Lord experienced all of life. He didn’t skip over the hard parts. In fact Jesus experienced pain in ways we never will. Yet when He was tired, lonely, thirsty, and faced with a person in need … He never turned away.


So a woman who others may have shunned had the opportunity to become a true worshipper of God. Scripture shows that she was so moved by Jesus speaking to her and knowing about her life – that she went and told others.


An encounter with Jesus produces a testimony about our life and His. Flesh gives birth to flesh but Spirit gives birth to spirit (John 3:6). So as we walk through this world, we will eat and drink - yet we will hunger and thirst again. But when we encounter Jesus – face to face as Paul did on the road to Damascus (Acts 9) – we are forever changed.


So how is your “spring of water welling up to eternal life” flowing today?

Don’t wait till you are feeling well-fed and comfortable to “testify”.

Be ready everyday to pass out Bread and Water.

From one beggar to another … lead someone to the Bread of Life today!


The Bible study group sat around the table after our dinner last night- we were a few people short due to unavoidable commitments. But as many groups, we decided a while back that even if some are absent we will meet and study the Word.


I thought about that decision because frankly, I would have been okay with skipping the group. Life is busy … my friends weren’t all there … I’ve read Ephesians lots of times.


So what would God say if … because we are missing someone, or tired, or thought we already knew what He has to say… we just didn’t show up?


Mark 13:13 “…but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”


Right before this, Jesus is talking about the signs of the end of the age, which include not only horrific earthly disasters but relationship carnage as well. So how will I measure up against that if I’m ready to skip Bible study for the lame reasons I listed?


What would God say if … I listened at all times?

How much conversation with my Lord have I missed?


So as we turned to the book of Ephesians … did I mention I’ve read it before? But guess what? I’ve never read the first two chapters of Ephesians before in exactly this set of circumstances in my life and surrounded by this group of believers.


It was all new.

It spoke to an issue I am struggling with today.

Supposedly written about 60 A.D. – TODAY it speaks to ME … but of course God’s Word is eternal … so today and everyday that we read it with Him – it speaks.


God’s Word will never lack the ability to address current culture.

         It is ETERNAL

God’s Word will never be wrong.

         It is INFALLIBLE

There will never be a problem for believers that God’s Word can’t address.

         It is PERFECT

Because the Word is LIVING – it speaks to us at all times where we are… God is that magnificent.


John 1:14 “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”


Encouraging everyone today and everyday … don’t miss your conversation with the Lord!


What would God say if …



How would you finish that sentence?



                                    GENESIS 15:6 and GENESIS 22

                                    MARK 16:17 & 18

                                    1 JOHN 5: 1 - 3

Faith was simple back in Abraham’s time. “Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.” When God later called Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham gathered wood and walked to the place of sacrifice. He believed in God completely.


Faith was simple when Jesus walked the earth. When Jesus gave His disciples the Great Commission, He told them that signs would accompany those who believed and were saved. The disciples would be able to tell the difference between people who were saved and people who were condemned. The disciples believed Him.

Now some have made a religion of picking up snakes because that was one of the signs listed.  But the real message in Mark is that believers are overcomers of this world. Believers know they are never really in harm’s way regardless of the circumstances surrounding them.

Believers act according to the One they believe in …


And faith was clearly meant to remain simple.

         I JOHN 5:1 – “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God…

         Verses 2 & 3 – “This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out His commands. This is love for God: to obey His commands…”


You won’t find believers laboring over how to fit culture and God’s Word together.


You won’t find believers who never have problems.


You won’t find believers only in the church buildings, or only among the wealthy, or only in the mission field, or only among the healthy or …



Let’s keep it simple… believers have words and lives that are locked together.

In the raging spiritual battle against the evil in this world … God has created the one who believes in Jesus and walks in obedience as victory in motion.

         No obedience to God will be too hard.

         Nothing in this world can really harm us.

         Believers in Christ stand out in sharp contrast to the world by our obedience.


So now … how would you finish that sentence?




Believers … in a world which would try to take our faith and make it complicated to figure out … KEEP IT SIMPLE … God did.   



I’m reading through Ezekiel again, mostly to get to chapter 37 because I think that is one of the most amazing pieces of imagery in the Bible. However, it seems like big chunks of the Bible give lots of nourishment … so I decided on the whole book … a few nibbles a day.

One of the things I have struggled with over the years has been figuring out what I’m supposed to be “doing” for God. Then of course there is figuring out when the season has ended … and the review of: did I do that right? I know lots of us have that same struggle off and on as we try to follow Jesus so I am hopeful that this small offering will help someone out there.


So here are two questions to ask ourselves when we find our days swirling in a sea of “should I” about our calling in life:


Am I asking the Lord about my call or am I asking myself?

         If we are asking … He is answering

              Scripture reference: Luke 11:13 or Matthew 7:11


Do I really think the Lord God Almighty can’t make Himself clear?

      Ezekiel 1 & 2 will clarify this in my heart for the rest of my days.

         Please take time to read this magnificent passage.       


So how about this mystery of “the call”?



         Ezekiel was sitting in the midst of the exiles by the river … “the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.”

         The Word of the Lord came to him.

         The Hand of the Lord was upon him.



         Of course – Ezekiel was prostrate on the ground in the presence of the Living God – can you imagine the actual presence of the Lord as described in chapter one?

         But God called him to stand up and told Ezekiel that He was going to speak to him and “the Spirit came into me and raised me to my feet, and I heard Him speaking to me.”



         And we are not to be afraid no matter what the situation that surrounds us … and we must speak His words.


When we answer the first call to come to God’s heart and family through His Son, Jesus Christ … the rest of the “calls” will fall into place.

God knows who to call for what.

God equips those He calls.

We really can’t miss it when He speaks … trust me if we do – He gets louder.


There is no greater “call” than the call to worship God and to receive the gift of salvation through His Son.


         Everything else will fall into place.



When I was a little girl I used to go outside to try to find fairies in the grass. It was a legitimate search, fueled by my belief that fairies existed, and according to my research (yes children have methods of research) fairies were really small.  Additionally I had already decided that all things wonderful were outside. Therefore those exquisite, tiny, magical creatures must be holding parties in the grass right outside our house.

         I’ve always had a logical mind.

         I never looked for fairies indoors.


I Corinthians 13:11 – “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.”


         God placed in my heart, body and mind the ability to believe from the time I was a young child. As I grew into adulthood, He has refined belief and faith so that I could put away childish things and search for the essentials. I had the seed when I was little as I combed through the grass for something I had never seen but hoped to find.

As God matured me over the years it was critical that while I put childish ways behind me, I never lose that seed of faith that searched for things I could not see. The childlike faith that Jesus said was so necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven, needed to keep the original design.


We get to believe whatever we choose.

         What we believe in our hearts is the “it” that carries us through our days.

         Believe it and you will live it.


         So what’s your “it”?


         Here is mine:

                  JOHN 3:16 – “ For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

                           I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST

                  MATTHEW 5:18 – “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished”

                  2 TIMOTHY 3:16 & 17 – “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

                           I BELIEVE IN GOD’S WORD


         I don’t search for fairies in the grass anymore.

         But I do listen for angel wings sometimes.






         I have revisited this Psalm many times over the years. Times when life seems unfair, times when the wicked appear to raise their head above the right things of life, times of little money or strength … well you get the idea.


         At my age I have seen lots of things that don’t seem right and often have no remedy. At least none I can access. I’m sure most of you have your own experiences.

                  A job loss through no fault of the worker

                  A job given to the unqualified with a connection

                  A teacher who is a stumbling block

                  A friend who deserts in time of need

                  A spouse who betrays

                  A child who rebels

                  A rich person who is miserly

                  A good person who is dying too young while an evil person lives long

                           The list could go on and on …


         The Lord knew we would have these experiences. He knew there would be days when the wicked appeared to prosper; when the plots of wickedness in the world appeared to have the upper hand; when the wicked seemed to be in power.


         The Lord knew that in response to these situations we would fret, become angry, question why the wicked flourish … in other words get our eyes off the ways of the Lord and on to an evil person who seems to prosper.


         So He made a few promises:

                  The wicked won’t last

                  Evil men will be cut off

                  Their plans and apparent strength will backfire

                  The righteous won’t be forsaken

                  The Lord loves the just and will protect His own forever

                  Those who belong to the Lord will not be left in the power of the wicked

                  We have a future, a stronghold, deliverance and salvation


         So when life tempts us to look around at the people who hurt us, abandon us, seem to prosper and yet are not very nice people … the natural response often is:

         “Lord what about him?”


         Take a few minutes and savor Psalm 37


Bible Reference: PSALM 39: 4 – 7


“… let me know how fleeting is my life. “


I’m sitting here in my office surrounded by memories.

         On the walls are paintings and memory boards by former students in youth group and drama ministry. I expected those roles to continue … but a moment ago it was time to move on.

         To my left is a picture my youngest son gave me … encouraging me not to quit writing. An odd role for him to fill as my encourager … the baby I gave birth to … a moment ago. He will be 32 in a couple of weeks.

         On the bookshelf to my right sits a book written by my daughter’s oldest son when he was small. He is now almost six feet tall and midway through high school. My daughter whose chubby little hand I held and walked to school … a moment ago.

         On my desk sits a small sign given by another grandchild “Grandma makes me smile”.  He is the son of my firstborn. But I remember my firstborn as a little guy with scraped knees from the first day on his “big boy” bike … it was only a moment ago.

         There are so many memories around this house - including a giant Tigger from an all Tigger Christmas from my hubby, a Styrofoam cup that a favorite student wrote on, a granddaughter’s Christmas gift of a coffee mug, a huge photo collage to “Grams” from the firstborn granddaughter with all the grandchildren’s pictures, and a purple couch that is over 20 years old- I can’t part with because all the grandchildren sat on it … a moment ago.


         Incredible really … how fleeting this life is.

         A photo sits on my bookshelf of my husband in his younger years as a lieutenant on the police force.

                  A moment ago … I watched as he left to attend the funeral of another lieutenant who was a police officer, husband, father, youth leader, and looking forward to retirement … a moment ago.


         “… let me know how fleeting is my life.”


         Make the most of today… Live this moment before it becomes a memory. Squeeze the juice out of every experience that brings you a smile. Sit at the knee of sorrow as it teaches you the big lessons. Cherish the loved ones in your life right this moment – warts and all.


         And above all – don’t forget the first priority … “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your strength.” It’s how the moments matter.  


Life is a brief opportunity.


Thank You Lord for showing us that our lives are really but a breath. May we breathe with You today.


LONELY … and other lesser offenses

BIBLE REFERENCE: Mark 1:40 – 2:12


Have you ever felt lonely?

Have you felt like people don’t get you?

Have you ever looked around and realized some people in your life were only interested in what you can do for them – not who you are?


Jesus gets that.


A man with leprosy … but fill in the blank with your life … went to Jesus and begged to be made clean. Jesus looked at him and was filled with compassion – yep that’s our Savior.


When Jesus healed the man, that guy was thrilled!! He was completely cured – not a remission – but cured.  But instead of following through on the way Jesus told him to present a witness to others, the cured man went off and handled things his way.


As a result Jesus could no longer enter a town but “stayed outside in lonely places”.

Jesus understands lonely.


When Jesus was finally able to enter Capernaum a few days later, the crowds were unbelievable. Completely full house … a popular guy … but did the crowds press in because of who Jesus was or because of what He could do?


Jesus knew in His spirit what men were like, they had evil thoughts about Him; they followed Him because they had eaten their fill; they desired healing not Him.  Yet Jesus ministered. He spoke the Word. He showed the way to heaven. He taught what God’s laws really meant. He healed everyone who asked.


Jesus knew the people didn’t “get Him” at the moment.  He also knew circumstances were on the horizon that would bring His life – all of it – into the remembrance of the world. Jesus kept walking toward that horizon, rewarding faith along the way.


Jesus told the paralytic whose friends cut through what stood between the man and healing … “Son, your sins are forgiven”. He saw their faith. To the teachers of the law He made sure they understood what He did was connected to who He was.


Jesus experienced it all – loneliness … being misunderstood … being used.


If I have no other friend – I have Jesus.

If I have no other purpose – I am Jesus’ friend.

If no one on earth understands me – One in heaven does.

If people want what I can do –Jesus cares about who I am.


If I can’t see the path – I will follow His gaze to the horizon.

THE ARMOR OF GOD … as the battle rages

How can we fight a battle we don’t see, an enemy we haven’t identified or use unfamiliar weapons?


         THE ENEMY:

                  The enemy is not flesh and blood It isn’t that kind of a battle. We are fighting unseen forces of evil … rulers … authorities …  the powers of this dark world. Take a stand against the devil’s schemes and stop taking potshots at people.



         THE ARMOR OF GOD:

                  TRUTH – not stretched – not added to or subtracted from – a perfectly fitted belt.

                  RIGHTEOUSNESS – the gear that will guard our hearts – issued by Jesus Christ

                  READINESS – Footwear … the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace

                  SHIELD OF FAITH – This is a shield that allows us to be sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It is formed by belief in Jesus and what He has done for us; it is expanded by experiences, and it is perfected by use.

                  HELMET – A particular helmet … the helmet of salvation … Remember to wear it everyday – it wasn’t given for a one-time experience only. This helmet is built to protect your thoughts and to shield you from a fatal blow.

                  SWORD – the word of God – the only offensive weapon needed in spiritual warfare. Not just a favorite sweet verse …  the whole Bible.

Search out God’s character – when life doesn’t make sense, rather than give the enemy ground – know how to stand firm on who God is

Dig through the accounts of the Israelites and see what our God does for His chosen people and what He expects of us

Allow the Psalms and Proverbs to saturate life with comfort and wisdom

Don’t forget the laws and ways of the temple … for they will give special insight into what God finds significant for us.

Remember the GOSPELS to learn about Jesus and be ready to cut deeply into enemy territory with the truth of God’s way of salvation.

Spend some time in the LETTERS written by the early believers to help us out

And even if we don’t understand it all – let’s read REVELATION to get the feel of heaven and angels and the promise of Jesus’ return.


And pray – all the time – for everything and everyone.


With this in mind … be alert … and always keep on praying for all the saints.


Now we are ready for spiritual warfare.



How do we know what kind of tree is in front of us?

         Why do we care?

         Substitute person for tree and ask the same questions.

         In our haste to obey the command “Do not judge” we sometimes commit a fatal error of ignoring or skimming over the teaching on how to tell a tree by its fruit.

         The teachings can both be found in Matthew – chapter 7. Jesus clearly intended to teach us not to judge others because we will be judged in the same way. So instead of criticizing the people around me – I need to show mercy … the same way I want to be shown mercy. Jesus also points out the need to remove the obstructions in my own life to allow true vision instead of worrying about the minor issues in the vision of others.

         Equally clearly in verse 6, Jesus expects us to know the difference between giving the sacred and valuable to dogs or pigs. It could be dangerous.

Keeping those in mind, today’s concern is the teaching in verses 15 – 23:


Underneath some seemingly mild people who profess Jesus lurk ferocious wolves.  Do we really want ferocious wolves as spiritual mentors?

         Jesus knows them instantly even as they call Him “Lord, Lord”. His response?

         “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!

         How do we know what kind of tree/prophet is in front of us? We become fruit inspectors.

         Why do we care about the type of tree/prophet  in front of us? We can’t get good nourishment from bad fruit.

         Jesus never intended us to go through life making judgments about people … for lots of reasons. We can’t see their heart, we don’t have all the information, and the bottom line is – it’s not our place. That belongs to Him.

         But we are to be “fruit inspectors”. Just as fruit grows and ripens over time until it is good to eat, so grow the people who would nourish us spiritually.


         It has always been about the relationship.


A good tree planted in rich soil, exposed to lots of sun, absorbing the rain, allowing that relationship to grow daily produces abundant fruit in season.

A person rooted in Jesus, exposed to the Son, absorbing Living Water, allowing that relationship to grow daily produces abundant fruit in season.

Watch out for false prophets! Before someone influences us in our spiritual walk, we need to be fruit inspectors. Don’t look for grapes where thornbushes grow. Don’t bother trying to find figs in thistles.  

Worried about your own fruit today? Check that your roots are firmly in Jesus, expose your heart to the Son, drink Living Water … go grow!


“No weapon formed against you will prevail”

ISAIAH 54:17

We like those verses … all the time. But we don’t have to read far into the Bible to see that God’s people have trouble. That’s why we are studying spiritual warfare – right? So we can fight the battle with God on our side and win!!


Not exactly the full story.

Sometimes a spiritual battle needs the weapon of submission.

What kind of a weapon is that? !#*/!


There are particular spiritual battles that we bring on ourselves. Let’s be honest we have all sinned, turned from God’s ways, sought our own plans. God is His infinite wisdom does not allow His children to disobey without consequences. 

It’s really the same pattern of any parent worth their salt. We teach boundaries for safety; values for moral compass; we model love and healthy relationships … we try to never give up.  

As children move to teen years and make more of their own calls about life, we struggle to let go and hold on at the same time. The charts with stars and the time out chair fall by the wayside as life’s natural consequences take over.

Our perfect Heavenly Father also uses the consequences of sin to teach us, even as He lovingly waits for us to turn around and behave ourselves. So that spiritual battle that we seem to be fighting? Take a look and see if we are really just facing what we have brought on ourselves by disobedience.


Failed to forgive and now estranged from a friend?

Lashed out in anger and a family member not so close now?

Someone who needed compassion that we refused?

Kept our money to ourselves?

Turned away from our Heavenly Father but still expecting His help?


Check out the solution God gave in Jeremiah 29 when His people were in exile. Oh it was their own fault they lost their homes and favor. They had been warned numerous times to leave their sin, to turn back to God, to stop disrespecting God’s prophets, His house and His laws … but like us … they kept on disobeying and now they were in exile paying the consequences.


The Lord never changes – He still loved His people – He promised to restore them – but first … they were exiled from their true promised land. Consequences of sin.


So what was the battle plan?

Fight the unbelievers who now controlled them?

Civil disobedience to the government?

Angels descending to deliver them?

24 hour prayer vigil?


This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel gave them to do:


Jeremiah 29:4 – 9

         Build houses and settle down

         Plant gardens – eat

         Marry and have families

         Seek the peace and prosperity of the place where the Lord has carried you

         Pray for the place you are in – because if it prospers- you will too

         Don’t listen to other people tell you that you don’t have to accept this

                  They are lying.


The Lord then reminded the people of His great love for them and His plans to give them hope and a future …

                  at the end of those consequences.


There are some spiritual battles we have gotten ourselves into … submitting to the Lord’s discipline is the only way back to a hope and a future.

Let today be the day we turn back to the Lord and stay there! 

THE BATTLE PLAN (to be continued)

Psst … fellow Christian … over here.

It’s really important in these days to band together. We need to form a block vote.  Here is a list of current topics that we need to stand against.


Psst … fellow Christian … over here.

It’s the end times. This evangelist has a prophetic message.


Psst … fellow Christian … over here.

The enemy has gained a foothold in the mainstream churches – get out now.


Psst … fellow Christian … over here.

You need to be doing a ministry, giving money, witnessing to your neighbors.


There is some truth to the above statements. But they are insufficient, both in words and ways to walk victoriously in Christ until He returns.


Matthew 24:23 – 25

         “At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or “There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect – if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.”


Jesus gave us these words for a reason. Part of our battle plan is to listen to what Jesus has said – in His own words – from the Bible

* not from another Christian’s interpretation

* not from a commentary

* not from a blog (that’s right not this one either)

* not from the media (even if they are a Christian politician – is that an oxymoron? Not necessarily.)

* not from our best friend


Does that mean we can’t read Christian books, commentaries, listen to TV evangelists, follow a blog, talk to our friends? Of course not. This message today isn’t to put more obstacles in our path but rather to recognize that if we are going to do true spiritual battle … we are going to need a clear battle plan. We are going to need to follow a trusted leader … Someone who never fails and always knows the way. Yep! Only Jesus fills the bill.


The Bible is a protected, eternal, word of God.

         Luke 21:33

         Matthew 5:18

         2 Timothy 3:16


Go look them up – Let the battle plan begin!