From the first moment we enter the world … we need comfort.

The trauma of birth

Its cold out here

The lights are too bright

Shouldn’t I be sucking on something?


That need for comfort rises and ebbs as we live our days on this earth. Some day in our future when we pass from earth to heaven that need will end because we will be in God’s perfect presence and design. But for now … the need for comfort remains.


Over my lifetime I have experienced many moments and sometimes long periods of time where I longed for comfort from life’s sufferings.


         I have cut my hand and needed stitches. Comfort came pretty quickly and the experience had no real impact on my life.


         But what about the times like this:

“We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.” (2 Corinthians 1:8)


         The diagnosis that encases us with fear …

         The beloved family member who dies …

         The crushing blow when a lifetime dream disappears …

         The relationship that fails …

         The depression closing in on every side …


“… far beyond our ability to endure …”


Comfort is defined as:

         Soothing in time of grief or fear

         Easing physical needs

         Helping or assisting

         It is the capacity to give physical ease and well-being

                  **Note: It doesn’t necessarily mean fixing or making the hardship disappear.


This life-giving and peace-enhancing commodity called comfort isn’t found in a store or hospital or even with a best friend.


It is given by: “the God of all comfort” –


“… who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:4)


Did I hear that right? God comforts us in ALL our troubles.

For a purpose beyond ourselves … so that WE can comfort those in ANY trouble with the same comfort God gave us.


So what is your need for comfort today?

Is it physical … emotional … financial?

Is the loss so big it seems like there is no good tomorrow coming … ever?

Are you “despairing even of life”?


“… But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God.” (2 Corinthians 1:9)


The answer for comfort is as close as your next breath … may the God of all comfort be with you today. Pass it on!!