
Sabbath Rest

God gave a clear command to “observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” (Deuteronomy 5:12) and further illustrated in numerous Bible verses telling us about the way to keep it holy. A strange topic for the day of families, feasting, gift opening, games, conversations, laughter, sadness for loved ones missed this year … go ahead you have a million more things to add to the list on this Christmas day.

Face it – after all this activity we will need some rest. That my friend is why God created the Sabbath rest idea … for us … to stay … on point. Some verses to get us on the right track? Something like … Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Maybe a glance through Isaiah 58: 13 – 14 which encourages us to be careful of our path, to call the Sabbath a delight, to honor it by not doing as we please or speaking idle words. Then the scripture says we will have joy in the Lord.

What does Sabbath rest look like for today and on into 2015?
Unplug – unwind – disconnect from work (don’t carry a load on the Sabbath)
Look at something without a screen (outdoors is good)
Be still – breathe (there – doesn’t that feel wonderful)
Don’t shop – don’t fret over money – don’t quarrel
Let’s not say: “I should …” or “I have to …”
Let’s let go of some things: the “to do list” and the “grudge”
Put aside idols and worship God

Just as though we were enjoying the summer sun at the beach – bask in His presence. Go ahead – take your position in the Son. He is all grown up now from that first morning in the manger, but still in the business of giving great joy and light to all who would believe and receive.